Two-Faced Confession
Full but so empty; so confused with all I know
Convinced of Your love and plans, yet so unsure if it really matters that I am
Everything is so clear that I can’t even see
My heart, brimming with love as I despise everyone around me
Come into this Church that I hate and meet the groom of the hideous, breath-taking bride
Drowning in grace while suffocating in my sin. Clinging to faith, and searching for peace
Confident of my rights to lay them down… I am so right about being wrong
Clearly out of focus
When You have never been louder, speak so that I can hear
Stuck moving forward. A heart of stone layered between bruised flesh
Break down the walls to protect the vulnerable
Why? I need no answers because I know who You are. Have I met you before?
So tired of bursting with exuberance. Is this over? I can’t wait to start!
The mirror shows competence, but I have no idea what I am doing. Scared to be uncovered, to see what I already know is there
A paradox