Do You Know Him?
Do you know Him?
Do you know that He is intentional and precise? Do you know that the power of creation in His hands is used to work every detail to equip you for your greatest fulfillment and joy?
Do you know that He is tender and gentle? Do you know that there is a purpose for every tear and every cry of frustration? Do you know that every moment searching for why and how does it all fit together, He sees and whispers, “Hold on. The answer is around the corner”?
Do you know that He is intimate and kindhearted? Do you know that He knows our sinful hearts, but He is never content to allow us to wallow in our despair? Do you know that He never disciplines us in anger or disappointment but that all He does ends in our joy?
Do you know Him?
Do you know that He saw you before the stars were spread through the sky? Do you know that He made you for a purpose, that He named you, that He delights in blessing you? Do you know that you were made to bear much fruit and that in so doing, you will find your significance – not in what you have done, but in knowing that the Creator and Savior prepared all of creation for the impact of your life?
Do you know that the Maker well knows that all you have to offer Him is sand falling through open fingers, yet He laughs with delight and receives it with pleasure? Do you know that the longings in your heart He put there Himself for the very purpose of fulfilling them to show His great love and mercy toward His beloved?
Do you know that His burden is light even as He calls you to take up your cross? Do you know that in chasing Jesus and Jesus alone, you will encounter a Father who rushes to you and shows you the contentment that is hidden in obedience? Do you know that in your constant submission, the Creator bows near to His creation and freely shares His heart?
Do you know Him?
Do you know how great, how wide, long, and high is the depth of His love toward you?
Do you know the intentionality with which He is drawing the portrait of your life?
Do you know that every time that you feel you are drowning, He is setting you up for resurrection?
Do you know that in God’s economy ashes turn to beauty, darkness dies to the dawn, and captivity gives way to freedom? Always.